The Fulfillment of the Promises of God: An Explanation of Covenant Theology (Richard P. Belcher, Jr.)
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A variety of views and nuances of covenant theology exist within the Reformed church and the broader evangelical world. This book seeks to explain covenant theology as presented in the Westminster Confession of Faith as a starting point for discussions of covenant theology and as a foundation to evaluate other views. Some variations of covenant theology are minor and do not impact the system of doctrine of Reformed theology, but other variations are major and impact important doctrines associated with justification by faith. Attention is also given to the views of confessional Baptists, as well as those who are evangelicals and operate with a covenantal approach to Scripture. This book combines a straightforward explanation of basic covenant theology followed by more detailed analysis of other views.
Sample Chapter
The Fulfillment of the Promises of God
Richard Belcher has given us a welcomed survey and analysis of divine covenants in the Scriptures. His commitment to traditional Reformed Theology is evident as he explains and evaluates a variety of outlooks on biblical covenants. His explanations are clear and insightful. This volume will help many theological students and laypeople alike as they explore the contours of Covenant Theology today.
Richard Pratt, President, Third Millennium Ministries, Orlando, Florida
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments........................................................ ................. 9
Abbreviations .................................................. ............................13
Chapter 1: Introduction to Covenant Theology ............................. 15
The Difficult Nature of Covenant Theology ............................. 15
The Importance of Covenant Theology ........................................ 17
The Definition of Covenant........................................ ..... 18
The Covenant of Redemption ........................................ .. 19
Covenant in Historical Perspective ........................................ 20
Chapter 2: The Covenant of Works ........................................ .. twenty three
The Evidence for the Covenant of Works in Genesis 1–3 ............. 24
The Elements of a Covenant in Genesis 1–3 ........................ 24
Hosea 6:7: A Reference to a Covenant with Adam? ............ 27
Major Issues in the Covenant of Works ............................. 28
The Name of the Covenant ........................................ .. 28
The Role of Grace in the Covenant of Works ........................ 31
The Covenant of Works and the Gospel ........................ 33
Chapter 3: The Initiation of the Covenant of Grace 37
Genesis 3:15: The Protoevangelium (the first gospel) ............. 38
The Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace ............. 41
Issues related to the Covenant of Grace ............................. 42
The Condition of Faith........................................ ...... 42
The Unity of the Covenant ........................................ .. 43
The Parties to the Covenant of Grace ............................. 44
The Historical Administration of the Covenant........................ 45
Chapter 4: The Noahic Covenant ........................................ ... 47
The Triumph of Sin........................................ .............48
The Judgment of the Flood ........................................ ....... 50
The Common Grace and Redemptive Elements
in the Noahic Covenant ........................................ 50
The Use of ‘My Covenant’ in Genesis 6:18 ........................ 51
Preparations for the Flood ........................................ . 52
The Preservation of the Godly Line through the Flood ....... 53
God's Covenant with Noah ........................................ ..... 54
The Continuing Problem of Sin (Genesis 9:18-29) .................. 55
The Noahic Covenant and the Covenant of Grace ........................ 56
The Typological Elements of the Flood ........................................ 57
Chapter 5: The Abrahamic Covenant ........................................ 61
Genesis 12: The Promises of God ........................................ . 61
Genesis 15: The Establishment of the Covenant ........................ 63
Genesis 17: The Confirmation of the Covenant ........................ 66
The Meaning of Circumcision........................................ . 69
The Emphasis on Offspring ........................................ ..... 72
Chapter 6: The Mosaic Covenant ........................................ ... 75
The Historical Context of the Mosaic Covenant ........................ 75
God’s Promises to Abraham ........................................ 75
God Remembered His Covenant with Abraham.............76
The Setting of the Covenant (Exodus 19) ............................. 77
The Ratification of the Covenant (Exodus 24) ........................ 79
The Giving of the Law (Exodus 20:1–23:19) ........................ 80
The Conquest of the Land (Exodus 23:20-33) .................. 81
The Covenant Ceremony (Exodus 24)........................ 81
Deuteronomy: Covenant Renewal ........................................ 84
The Mosaic Covenant and the Abrahamic Covenant ............. 87
The Distinctive Nature of the Mosaic Covenant ........................ 88
The Blessings and Curses of the Mosaic Covenant ........................ 93
Chapter 7: The Davidic Covenant 97
God’s Promises to David (2 Samuel 7) ..................................... 98
Background and Setting .................................................. 98
The Dynastic Oracle ....................................................... 99
The Implications of the Davidic Covenant ......................... 103
Differences between 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17 ................ 106
The Culmination of God’s Covenant Promises ....................... 108
The Development of the Idea of Kingship .......................... 108
Fulfillment of Earlier Covenant Promises .......................... 111
The King as Mediator of God’s People ................................... 112
Chapter 8: The New Covenant ................................................. 115
Israel’s History of Disobedience ........................................... 115
Will the Davidic Promises Be Fulfilled? .................................. 117
Where is God’s Covenant Faithfulness (Psalm 89)? .............. 117
The Restoration of the Davidic King (Psalm 132) ................. 118
The Promise of a New Covenant .......................................... 120
The Fulfillment of the Covenant Promises ............................. 127
Chapter 9: Major and Minor Variations to Covenant Theology 139
Minor Variations to Covenant Theology ................................ 139
O. Palmer Robertson, The Christ of the Covenants .............. 139
John Murray: ‘The Adamic Administration’ ...................... 141
Major Variations to Covenant Theology ................................ 145
W. J. Dumbrell, Covenant and Creation ............................ 145
Paul R. Williamson, Sealed with an Oath .......................... 149
Evaluation of Williamson’s Views .................................... 154
Federal Vision ............................................................. 156
Conclusions: Key Doctrines Related to Justification by Faith ..... 163
Chapter 10: Meredith Kline: Covenants as Administrations
of God’s Kingdom............................................................. 165
Covenant and Kingdom ..................................................... 166
The Covenant of Creation ................................................... 166
Common Grace Covenants ................................................. 168
The Noahic Covenant .................................................... 170
Redemptive Covenants ....................................................... 171
The Covenant of Genesis 6:18 ......................................... 171
The Abrahamic Covenant .............................................. 173
The Mosaic Covenant .................................................... 175
The New Covenant ....................................................... 179
Chapter 11: Evaluation of Kline’s Views of the Covenants ............. 181
The Covenant of Works ....................................................... 181
The Covenant as Treaty ...................................................... 184
The Administration of the Covenant ..................................... 185
The Mosaic Covenant ........................................................ 186
Common Grace Covenants and Two Kingdoms ...................... 190
A Comparison of Murray and Kline ..................................... 196
Chapter 12: Confessional Baptists ............................................ 199
Introduction .................................................................... 199
Confessional Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology ................. 202
The Covenantal Structure of Scripture ............................. 202
The Covenant of Works ................................................. 203
The Covenant of Grace .................................................. 204
The New Covenant ....................................................... 207
Confessional Historic Baptist Covenant Theology ................... 210
The Covenant of Works .................................................. 211
The Covenant of Redemption and the Covenant of Grace...... 211
The Noahic Covenant .................................................... 212
The Covenant of Grace .................................................. 213
The Covenant of Circumcision ......................................... 214
The Mosaic Covenant .................................................... 218
Product Details
Title: The Fulfillment of the Promises of God: An Explanation of Covenant Theology
Author: Richard P. Belcher, Jr.
Publisher: Mentor
Pages: 324
Binding: Paperback
Size: 21.6 x 13.8 x 2.0 cm
ISBN: 9781527105195