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The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century, Volume 3 (Ligon Duncan)

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The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century, Volume 3 (Ligon Duncan) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes


THIS IMPORTANT COLLECTION of essays seeks to place the work of the Westminster Assembly in its historical, theological, political and social setting and challenge inaccurate historical assertions that have since become commonplace. It places Westminster in its relation to earlier and later Reformed theology and provides a fresh evaluation of its contribution to the Calvinist tradition. It commends it to us as a faithful expression of clear-headed Christian thinking.

Topics include: The Thirty Nine Articles at the Confession; Karl Barth and the Westminster Confession of Faith; The New Perspective, Paul, Luther & Judaism; Objections to the Covenant Theology of the Confession; The Nature of the Lord's Supper according to Calvin and the Westminster Assembly.

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The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century, Volume 3

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The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century, Volume 1


"We live in a day of wholesale historical amnesia and theological confusion. The antidote for this crisis is clear - we need a recovery of what has been lost. That is what makes The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century so important and timely. The Westminster Assembly represents one of the most decisive moments in church history, and this collection of essays brings new light to our understanding of the Westminster divines and their work. Here we find scholarship matched to a deep love for the church. This book is a worthy successor to the first two volumes in this series. I celebrate its publication and commend it to all who love the church."

---R. Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

Table of Contents


Robert C. Cannada, Jr ...............................................................................7


Ligon Duncan ............................................................................................9


Ligon Duncan ..........................................................................................17

1. The Westminster Assembly at Work

Chad Van Dixhoorn .................................................................................19

2. Redemptive-Historical Themes in the Westminster Larger Catechism

Robert J. Cara .........................................................................................55

3. Subscription to the Confession

Rowland S. Ward ......................................................................................77

4. The Thirty-Nine Articles at the Westminster Assembly

Robert M. Norris ................................................................................... 139

5. Karl Barth and the Westminster Confession of Faith

William C. Traub ................................................................................... 175

6. Natural Theology and the Westminster Confession of Faith

J. V. Fesko and Guy M. Richard ............................................................ 223

7. The Westminster Consensus on the Decree: The Infra/Supra Lapsarian Debate

Derek W. H. Thomas .............................................................................. 267

8. The New Perspective: Paul, Luther, and Judaism

Donald Macleod .................................................................................... 291

9. A Missiological Analysis of the Westminster Confession of Faith

Valdeci Santos ........................................................................................ 327

10. The Nature of the Lord’s Supper according to Calvin and the Westminster


Wayne R. Spear ...................................................................................... 355

11. Calvin and Westminster on the Lord’s Supper: Exegetical and Theological


Wayne R. Spear ...................................................................................... 385

12. Improving the Means of Grace: The Larger Catechism on Spiritual Growth

Mark E. Ross ......................................................................................... 415

13. The Westminster Standards and the Structure of Christian Ethics

David C. Jones ....................................................................................... 441

14. Recemt Objections to Covenant Theology: A Description, Evaluation and


Ligon Duncan ........................................................................................ 467

Appendix: An Analysis of the Plenary Sessions of the Westminster Assembly

Chad Van Dixhoorn ............................................................................... 501

Contributors’ Biographical Information ...................................................... 537

Index ............................................................................................................ 541

Product Details

Title: The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century, Volume 3 

Author: Ligon Duncan

Publisher: Mentor

Pages: 552

Binding: Hardcover

Size: 23.4 x 15.6 x 3.0 cm

ISBN: 9781857929928

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